Sunday, October 12, 2008


I thought of a brilliant idea for my reflection last night just before I went to sleep. I told myself that I would DEFINITELY remember what I was planning on writing because it was just such a good idea! All morning I have been racking my brain trying to recall my idea, but it just escaped into my dreamland and I don’t think I will ever remember. I hate that. Oh well, next time I will just have to write it down before I drift off into la-la land.

Oh, I just thought of something else to share with you though! When we were doing our research for the Sierra Club for this week’s minor simulation, we had the brilliant idea to actually go to the Sierra Club’s headquarters located here in D.C. I called probably six numbers and emailed three different people to try to set up an interview type situation. Every time I was referred back to someone else who specialized more specifically in what we were asking about and eventually the last “someone else” just never responded to my phone calls or email. It was quite disappointing since we had most of our video planned around our footage of actual employees of the Sierra Club. And also interesting that they really didn’t seem interested in helping us whatsoever. Perhaps they are very busy people and don’t have time for college students making films. Or perhaps they didn’t like the question that we were asking them because the answer they had was a bit wishy-washy. Any other ideas why they wouldn’t help us out? Well at any rate, it was very disappointing. The reason I thought of it was because the name of this one woman that I spoke with at the Sierra club was Lala which, if you remember, was my first name in the movie (I was Lala Sky). We were pretty angry with Lala for not helping us out, so we attempted to comically use her name in our video. And yeah, when I said “la-la land” up there I remembered to tell you all about Lala Shamirzaian, a trade specialist at the Sierra Club.

Anyone else read about the conspiracy with Parah Salin (haha this was my friend’s facebook status today, definitely lol’d)? Apparently our “Washington outsider” is actually pretty familiar with the dirty politics here in Washington that she so often reprimands. Here’s the latest from the New York Times:

One last thing… I realized today that it’s pretty cool our whole floor is working on the same projects/papers. I think I take for granted the whole learning community thing too much. We’re lucky to be able to talk to so many people and bounce ideas off each other so effortlessly with just a walk to the lounge or a stroll down the hallway. I wish it could be like this for every class and every paper I write!


Rachel said...

That is such a bummer that the Sierra Club was so lame to you guys. Who knows, maybe the final person in that line of buck passing is on vacation or something.

That article about Sarah Palin was so great! Becca wondered why I was laughing so hard and I ended up reading the entire thing outloud to her. I remember vaguely hearing about the who unreasonable termination suit thing, but I didn't really know the details until now (the McCain-Palin campaign undoubtedly want to keep it hush hush). I am completely disgusted by her...I mean seriously, she is revolting to me. The New York Times has some really great articles about her; one of my friends recently posted this one:> which is worth looking at.

Rachel said...

oh dang, it didn't let me put a tag on it, sorry about that!

Emily said...

I just read the article and I thought it was right on! Ever since Republicans began putting down Obama for being an elitist, I simply haven't understood why this is a negative thing. Sure, the word in itself has a negative connotation. But I would SOOOO much rather have someone who is smarter than me running the country. I do not see the appeal of Palin's proclaimed "average joe six pack" or her claim to be just like every other hockey mom with lipstick! I want someone I can admire to be in the White House. Once again, go NY Times.