Friday, September 19, 2008

Tony Blair and Jon Stewart!

Who says that The Daily Show can't be a great source of information? I specifically remember PTJ saying that our news sources shouldn't be from The Daily Show, butttt I think on this occasion the show is totally applicable to what we're doing in class so I think he's make an exception. If you have 21 minutes to watch this, I suggest you do, not only because Jon Stewart is amazing and I'm completely obsessed with him, but because Tony Blair (former British Prime Minister to those of us who don't know about him) explains some of his foreign policies. He doesn't explicitly mention liberalism, but he does discuss how two democratic states will not fight each other (this is around he 8:00 minute mark) and he later discusses how there are other strategies to stop terrorism besides using military forces. Definitely sounds like he's a liberal!

Here's the link:

If that doesn't work then you can just go to and on the right side of the page has full episodes, this show was aired on 9/18. Unfortunately I didn't watch the show last night in time to talk about this for class, but it's pretty cool to see the stuff we're debating about in class discussed by a real powerful leader... or ex-leader I guess. Let me know what you guys think if you have time to watch it! Jon also has some funny stuff on Sarah Palin before the interview that some of you might enjoy.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jon Stewart is my one true love. Thank you Emily for reminding us all of how impossibly fabulous he is.