Monday, September 29, 2008

Reflection on week 5

The visit to the state department was a grand opportunity to expand our knowledge of the United States and its foreign policy. What I found strange was that the US did not recognizing the Sri Lankan region under control of the Tamil Tigers (or LTTE). Even though they are listed as a terrorist organization, the US dismisses the fact that the LTTE were fighting for the soveriegnty of the Tamil people whom lived under oppression by the Hindu and Bhuddist population. Their refusal also contradicts the fact that the US and Western Europe supported the independence of Kosovo, a small province that was part of Serbia but had a sizeable Albanian population. If those people are allowed autonomy then why are the Tamil people and even the break away regions South Ossetia and Abkhazia refused that same oppurtunity?

On the subject of the Alien visitors, I was split on the idea ofregarding the visitors based upon identity. Should the visitors appear wearing armor, weapons and carrying flags or if they look like fierce beasts, we automatically assume they are a threat as they probably are. However, they cannot be easily deemed a threat based upon appearance. When the Zheng He treasure fleet sailed from China to numerous ports around the Middle East and Africa, the natives were frightened when they saw this sizeable navy ranging from small scout ships to treasure ships at the same length as the Shipliner Titanic, which carried army soldiers, cannons, and crossbowmen. What they didn't know is that the treasure fleet needed arm itself in order to defend itself from pirates particularly from the Indonesia. How ever we react to these visitors, we should wait and seee what they want rather than shoot them at approach.

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