Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If aliens landed on the White House lawn?

What would the US government do if aliens landed on the lawn of the white house?

Well, if aliens landed on the lawn of the White House that would be a new problem for the US government. First off, what the government did would depend on whether or not the aliens had hostile intentions. The first course of action should be to determine that, before any additional action was taken. If the aliens were here to blow up different parts of the United States, the government would react very differently than if they were here on a “diplomatic” mission. If the hostile intentions played out, I hope that the government would take a two step process. First off, I hope that our government would try to communicate diplomatically with the aliens in every way possible. Some compromise should be worked out with them if at all possible. If the aliens were acting aggressively, and were still acting hostile, I think that the US government would bring in the military. I believe this because that the US government is very concerned with security. So those two steps are what I hope would happen but with the current way that the US responds to the unknown threats I’m afraid that that differs with the real course of what the government would take. I think that in actuality if the aliens displayed any hostile intentions, the US government would straight away bring in the heavy artillery. I think that the government would bring in all branches of the military. I believe that they would do this because the government would feel that if there was a direct threat to the American people they would feel that there was no time for diplomacy, just time for action. This seems like it would be a very Realist response, if there was a security threat, that’s the first priority to deal with.

But let’s say that when the aliens landed they showed that they weren’t hostile and were interested in “diplomatic” activities such as intercultural communication and exchange. I think and hope that the government would have a completely different response. I hope that in this case the government would embrace this new cultural potential. This could be such a rich opportunity to exchange ideas and expand communications and learn about advanced technologies and discover that we are not alone in the universe. I’d like to think our government could see this as an earth-altering, life-altering event as a way to expand our cultural identity and not get bogged down in fear (which would spark the military response) and the politics of deciding what to do. I think they would send diplomatic emissaries to meet with the aliens and determine what they want and what the two species can do for or give to each other.

Well obviously aliens haven’t landed on US soil so there’s no real way to know what would happen and what the US government response would be. The US has fought wars with foreign troops on our own soil, such as during the American Revolution and the War of 1812. But in both of those instances, the foreign government representative, the military, showed clear intentions of what they were after, war. So there was no decision to make on what our response should be. So, with an unknown, totally alien group that just lands on the White House lawn with no previous communications, I hope that the US government would either defend the American people if needed, or start diplomatic relations with the aliens.

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